This article describes an approach to constructing a cool segmented HMI and SCADA LED displayer that is similar to the SCADA  LEDs used in alarm clocks and industry monitors. This control can be used to display time, numerical values and even some English characters. I hope it will be helpful in programs such as hardware simulators.


In this section, I would like to give a brief introduction to the ideas behind this control. In a 7-segment LED displayer, one character is composed of at most 7 segments, as in the picture shown below.

Figure 1 - 7 segments

Figure 1: Segmented character

Each segment has the following properties: the width of the segment, the bevel rate of the corners in the segment and the interval between segments.

Figure 2 - 1 segment

Figure 2: Properties of each segment

If we mark those 7 segments with numbers, as the picture shows in Figure 1, then we can use indices to represent different characters. For example, the character "1" can be represented as (2, 3) and the character "5" can be represented as (1, 6, 7, 3, 4). To draw the whole scene, we should first calculate the bound rectangles where a certain character is drawn. Then the segments in each specified bound rectangle should be drawn. The algorithm for drawing a 7-segmented LED character in a specified bound rectangle is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Algorithm

Figure 3: Drawing one character


This control is quite easy to use. Just drag it from the toolbox to your form in design mode. Then adjust its provided properties in the designer or at runtime to modify its appearance. The properties are listed in the table below:

BorderWidth int Get or set the width of the border around the control.
BorderColor System.Color Get or set the color of the border around the control.
HighlightOpaque byte Get or set the opaque value of the highlight. 0 implies that the highlight will end transparent, while 100 implies that the highlight will keep its transparency from the beginning.
ShowHighlight bool Get or set a value indicating whether to show the highlight area on the control. If it is set to false, the value of the HighlightOpaque property is ignored.
CornerRadius int Get or set the corner radius for the control. If RoundCorner equals false, the value of this property is ignored. The valid value is from 1 to 10.
GradientBackground bool Get or set a value indicating whether the background was filled in gradient colors.
BackColor_1 System.Color Get or set the first background color. If GradientBackground equals true, this color will be the color at the top of the background rectangle. Otherwise, this color will be the solid background color.
BackColor_2 System.Color Get or set the second background color. If GradientBackground equals true, this color will be the color at the bottom of the background rectangle. Otherwise, this color will be ignored.
RoundCorner bool Get or set the border style. If it is true, the border of the control will be a round rectangle. Otherwise, the border is a normal rectangle.
SegmentIntervalRatio int Get or set the segment-interval ratio. The larger this value is, the wider the gaps between segments are.
TextAlignment Alignment Get or set the alignment style of the text.
SegmentWidthRatio int Get or set the segment-width ratio. The larger this value is, the wider the segments are.
TotalCharCount int Get or set the total number of characters to display. If the number of characters contained in the displaying text is larger than this value, the displaying character will be truncated.
BevelRate float Get or set the bevel rate of each segment. Please refer to Figure 2 for further information.
FadedColor System.Color Get or set the color of faded background characters.
Text string Get or set the text of the control.


A hmi and Scada control at presentation level may do lots of painting. Most of the time, the control has to be repainted when one of its properties is changed. This may cause multiple invalidating if several properties of the control are changed in quick succession. In order to avoid multiple painting, we can implement the ISupportInitialize interface in our control. First, we set a member variable in the BeginInit() method.

private bool m_bIsInitializing = false;
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
    m_bIsInitializing = true;

Then we rewrite our properties in the following manner:

public Color FadedColor
        return m_colFadedColor;
        if (m_colFadedColor == value)
        m_colFadedColor = value;
        // check if the control is in initializing mode
        if (!m_bIsInitializing)

At last, in the EndInit() method, we turn off the initialization mode and repaint the control.

void ISupportInitialize.EndInit()
    m_bIsInitializing = false;

Now we can use batch initialization to prevent successive painting of the control.

mycontrol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
mycontrol.BackColor_1 = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
mycontrol.BackColor_2 = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
mycontrol.BevelRate = 0.5F;
mycontrol.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
mycontrol.FadedColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;